Saturday, June 12, 2010

Life gets in the way

I need to blog more, I just forget most times. Busy doing stuff with my kids and hubby. I need to make more me time. I also need to get my house in order.

I swear that my chaos really disables me... any suggestions? I love to be organized but I look at stuff and think to myself how should be organized? Sometimes I wish I could just have someone put it all "as it should be" and we can just keep it that way.

In the end though my procrastinating ways really undermine it all in the end. Creating routines is key I know but again I procrastinate ...even my hubby does it too. That really doesn't help although he has FAR more energy than I do, we both love to procrastinate. Find other things rather than deal with what needs to be done.

I used to talk about that stuff with my SIL (may she rest in peace) and she had the right mentality for it all. In fact as of late I keep thinking if that were me I would feel awful leaving Scott and the kidlets with such a mess of a house and so much to sort through. I seriously need to just hit my stuff and get it out so if anything were to happen to me they weren't stuck dealing with my stuff. sigh

I'm having a hard time shaking the tears over Tina. I hear such things about in-laws and I have to say my sister-in-law was truly like my own sister. I miss her terribly. I can't believe she is gone. Like I said I need to weed out my junk in honor of her, no more excuses. Do me a favor and hug your family as much as you can and always tell them you love them.

{{{HUGS}}} Shannon

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